An Evil Confession

Scripture Reading - Numbers 13:30-32 KJV

30 And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.
31 But the men that went up with him said, We be not able to go up against the people; for they are stronger than we.
32 And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature.

In our last lesson we taught on having an Idle Confession. One definition of an Idle Confession is storytelling and vain jokes that don’t have any godly purpose. We also mentioned that “Idle Confessions” can be centered around people speaking too highly of themselves without recognizing God’s Grace in their life. A third point of emphasis was not to partake of an idle confession of debate and/or strife primarily because the servant of the Lord must not strive against other people. If you win the argument but lose any future influence on that person you have won nothing in God’s Eyes. In another lesson we taught how the negative confession can put a dark damper on the whole atmosphere surrounding you. Negative words typically work against God’s goodness and can hurt those people that are listening. Therefore, we wonder why people choose to go in the negative direction when going into the positive direction is choosing to go God’s Way. In another lesson we taught on “Confession” in the sense of you are what you say. So confession can be a confession of faith but it can also be a confession of the reality you are living right now. In a previous lesson we spoke on “The Good Confession” which is speaking God’s Word. This is one of the highest forms of confession because we are echoing the Will of God upon the earth. As it was said, “We are ambassadors for Christ Jesus according to 2 Corinthians 5:20.” Heaven is our home but while we are present on this earth we shall speak as God’s representatives. Thus, we shall speak forth His (God, our Heavenly Father’s) Words while visiting the earth to establish His Will upon this earth. Also, in a previous lesson we spoke about making the “Godly Confession” unto Salvation because that is the first necessary confession we must do to be a part of the family of God. Once you are in the Family of God, as a Christian, you automatically are a member in good standing of the Kingdom of God. In today’s lesson we will discuss what it means to have “An Evil Confession.” We previously mentioned that “an evil confession” is trying to bring evilness or wickedness to pass upon the earth. Yes, the vocal (spoken) “evil confession” will broadcast the will of the evil one for others to hear. Then Satan hopes they will obey his will unto death. In “an evil confession” you are speaking against God’s Word or directly contradicting the Love of God or a principle of God. Thus, “an evil confession” can quickly be identified when you are familiar with God’s Word. In today’s reference scripture we see the dilemma of Moses because God, The Lord was directing him to lead the people to the promise land but the leaders of the people refused to go. We noticed in verse 32 that the scripture states, “they brought up an evil report”. Why was this feedback/report considered evil? Why, did the children of Israel search out the land in the first place? Good questions, first, the Children of Israel only searched the land to look for a way into the land for war and to know which city they would come into first according to Deuteronomy 1:20-23 KJV. The Lord had already told them to go into the land of their inheritance for permanent possession. The leader of the Children of Israel for that time was Moses and he knew God’s Will and was looking forward to entering the Promise Land. We can take away from this scenario that when certain key people in leadership sin they bring God’s judgment upon all those under them. The elders “evil confession” not only affected the people with their families, but the leader Moses and God’s Plan suffered likewise. So if they went out with good intentions and then came back with an “evil confession” why would God be happy with their obvious unbelief and disobedience? Remember, if God states that you should do something specific with His help (grace & mercy) it is not acceptable to say to God and others I cannot do it. All those who speak contrary to God’s Words are speaking evil of God, through “an evil confession”. Remember we stated earlier that an “evil confession” is opposing God’s Will upon the earth. So instead of representing God on this earth those with an “evil confession” are really representing the evil one on this earth. Yes, the world’s system constantly undermines God’s Word so don’t be surprised when people of this world speak contrary to God. It is bad enough when carnal men speak ill-advisedly but how much worst is it when the Children of God speak against their own Loving Father. Therefore, we must be diligent to study God’s Word so that we know exactly how to answer those people who naturally oppose Him, or you could say consistently oppose His Will. This is the reason we must walk by faith and not by sight because if God’s Word proclaims you were healed according to 1 Peter 2:24, you shouldn’t bring up “an evil report (confession)” of, “I am sicker than a dog”. If you are feeling lonely but God’s Word states, “I AM with you for I will never leave you or forsake you”. You shouldn’t say to others, “I am all alone, it’s just me against the world”. Such language that contradicts the Word of God is bogus (false, non-genuine, a lie) and mimics “an evil confession”. Therefore, dear faith friend, be wise and let the Lord delight in you by speaking a good confession of faith and love so that you and all those who listen to you may be set free by the Power of God. Since God is for us who can be against us successfully? No one and no thing! Remember, with God on our side we have the victory no matter who the enemy is because we have the Name of Jesus and nothing can withstand that Name. Beloved saint of God resist any “evil confessions” and replace them with the good holy awesome Word of God because the only way to overcome “an evil confession” is to produce consistently a good confession of faith, hope and truth in Jesus Name wrapped in the Love of God. Amen!